Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Obstacles Are Numerous

Having a look at previous posts reveals it for us that such a claim as being Messiah and descriptions of Antichrist and Impostor-Christ comes out to be extremely difficult to prove. Every day we have a claimant and his voice soon becomes suffocated among the plethora of arguments and counter-claims. I should exhaust all these to categories and bring reasons to make them clearer. We also have not a unified understanding of mission of Messiah accepted by all controversing sides and any reason to guide us to believe that such a phenomena can happen. That gives an insight to the fact that why people believe that Jesus Christ could convince only twelve people in his lifetime to his righteousness; the next one he tried to add to his followers came to be a traitor according to stories. We know that even the number "twelve" has a load of ancient believes and could be just a symbol of a handful of followers and perhaps he could convince only one person or two. When Moses came back from the mountain he found only his brother and his wife waiting for him. The remaining of followers had already joined to the "Antichrist" and "Impostor," enemies of Moses and humans at that time. In story of Noah he could only convince a handful of people during eight hundred years of his campaign to believe in a flood, not even his own son among them. We have heard this about Lot at story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Story of Adam comes to me in this shape. If I can convince only one person, he will be Adam to multiply later to all human race. Messiah says, "You shall not confuse my very existence and my good news as symbols. Symbols are for future humans to interpret my message, not for me when I deliver them."

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