Thursday, December 10, 2009

Then What?

I talked about some phenomena that modern human has beheld.Among all of them I find the idea of "muonium" most useful for my objective. It appears in the world of atoms and molecules in a short time. When it goes into that society, into aggregate of hydrogens working inside the chemicals, none of them hydrogen or others recognize IT as a strange phenomenon, as something that does not belong to world of elements. IT becomes co-occupant with hydrogen in the same box. IT looks as if IT is a hydrogen. Nobody recognize IT as stranger. IT is not a bad thing in ordinary definition of bad. IT is not good. It is not useless. IT is not useful. The essence of the truth is that that IT just does not belong to the world of elements. IT is a look-alike. No world is conceived of being built out of Muoniums. There is no such a goal or such a capacity in muonium to exist and IT is of no help for other elements in achieving such a goal. IT has something, an electron of our world, in ITs outer shell that confuses the other elements. But in the core it is a muonium. IT is not a proton to fuel, to taste and to flourish the existence of the universe. IT is just a flare of a moment, a sparkle of a fire work that attracts the eyes of children. I used the capital letters and pronoun "IT" for thae muonium to pave the way for future use of this as an unstable hypothetical element. I also might use that with a bracket, "[IT]" in fashion of chemistry for radicals in a reaction. Satan is muonium among humans.


Peter Jones said...

One has written to me that muon catalyse a proton deuterium fusion by taking some energy out of the point, helping stabilising the reaction. So muon has a useful side contrary to my assertion. I said already that we have a specific universe of discourse to make us independent of discoveries of science. Muon example is an enlighten on our way towards that goal. You might later conceive a muonic world. That does not disgrace our advertisement.

Peter Jones said...

There are speculation, though surprising, for a neutral mu meson, neutral muon. It is surprising also if there exist a neutral electron. Electron is just a charge not a piece of matter proper. Muon is a fat electron. If you can conceive a neutral muon then you can use it in place of a neutron together with a positive muon and build a chemical table of elements of muonic types. Still electrons should turn round around in the shells of those atoms. Then a uonic world comes to existence in a fraction of seconds andburns to ashes immediately. In that worl philosophers may think to a proton stable world of billions years of life-span.